Structure and Stillness or Flow and Let Go: Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energies
Women who are scattered all over the place need to bring in some structure and organization in order for their lives to flow more easily....
Simple Actions to Decrease Your Stress
Stress is the feeling you get when you feel like you don’t have the capacity to cope with what is going on. When you are energetically...
Did you know that Wonder Woman can help you feel less stressed?
Feeling Stressed? Overwhelmed? Powerless? Wonder Woman can help. When you feel stressed and overwhelmed you also end up feeling...
20 Reasons Why You Need to Set Boundaries
1. Crappy, endless, exhausting, thankless work on behalf of others is killing you. 2. You can’t want more for someone than they want for...
Three Powerful Ways to Reduce Adrenaline and Increase Feelings of Safety, Peace and Calmness
Adrenaline, or epinephrine as it is medically referred to, is a hormone that is released by the adrenal glands when the body registers a...
Seeing the Beauty Around You and Self-Care: Is There a Connection?
Struggling with self-care? Life getting you down? Do something simple - see the beauty in the world around you. Seeing the beauty in the...
Self-Care and Intuition: Is There a Connection?
Your intuition, or your inner knowing, is your connection to the Divine and the field of all there is. It is the loving voice that warns...
Are You Allowing Yourself to Laugh?
Laughing is wonderful self-care. It is well-documented that laughing: - Lowers blood pressure. - Increases vascular blood flow and...
Is Taking Care of Yourself Selfish?
As women, we often struggle with the issue of taking care of ourselves. When you really think about it, this is an absurd concept. How...
Build Up Your Capacity For Pleasure
As a society, we have bought into the notion of “no pain, no gain”. This is actually a harmful belief, especially for women. This mindset...